The quaint little town of Leadville, West Virginia is a popular destination for hiking and camping. It is very hiker friendly and the mountains are very beautiful to look at. It’s easy to reach the summit of Mount Washington, the highest peak in the state. The road to the summit is about seven miles long and the whole thing can be done in one day. There are many other things to do while you’re hiking in the mountains like bird watching and camping, cabin rentals, hiking and skiing, swimming and kayaking.
Hiking the West Virginia area is very popular during the springtime. When the weather is nice the mountain bikers go out on the trail for a ride. This is a great way to get some exercise and meet new people. If you are planning a trip to the area and you’re a bike enthusiast, this is the place to go for your next vacation.
You may want to consider renting a bicycle if you’re visiting the area. You’ll find many trails that have off road treadmills and bicycles that will keep you safe. They are a great way to see the sights without having to worry about getting into the woods. Most of the trails have facilities to rent bikes. However if you don’t own one, you should consider renting one as they are usually not too expensive. It’s a lot less expensive than traveling to a mountain resort and staying there for a week or two.
Once you are done with your hike you can camp in any of the campsites around Leadville. These sites are not overly expensive and you can stay a night or two in one of them. Some of them even have full facilities so you can have a tent, food, water and electricity. There are also sites that offer cabins that are large enough to sleep two people. They normally have their own bathrooms.
If you are planning a family camping trip, you should plan ahead and find out about the various camping gear that you will need. Some of the things you will need are sleeping bags, mattresses, air mattresses and inflatable tires. You’ll want to pack plenty of food as well as a first aid kit. You can purchase all of this from a local sporting goods store.
Hiking the Appalachian country is a great way to get away from it all and experience the beautiful mountain peaks. Although, at some point in your vacation you will probably need to head back to civilization. Don’t be afraid to explore some of the more remote areas, as you pass through. Just remember to enjoy yourself and explore the beauty of nature.

My name is Sadio and welcome to Bare-foot my personal travel blog