If you work a full-time job and you perhaps enjoy an annual vacation, this discussion about earning money from the trips you take probably has you wondering if that’s at all possible, considering just how much money you typically spend on your annual time off from work. Those of us who travel more frequently can perhaps identify with some common channels through which to save lots of money, such as cashing in on the loyalty and rewards programs often made available, but how can you actually make money from those trips?
Firstly, it must be said that the money you’ll earn won’t typically be made during the trip itself, but rather sometime afterwards. It sort of “comes back” and anything over what you spent will then inevitably go down as your profits. So here are a couple ways of doing it:
Reviews and Content Monetisation
Blogging is one of the most casual ways of monetising the content you generate while travelling, such as the different ways of selling advertising space. You can get a bit more specific with the monetisation of your content such as your videos and written accounts of your trip though, by presenting the information in the format of reviews. That way you can then link directly to hotel booking sites and other platforms which cater to holiday activities. For example, if fellow travellers checking out your content want to go sailing in Dubrovnik, naturally they’d also be interested in booking accommodation in addition to the core activity you’d be discussing, which in this particular instance is sailing.
Affiliate programs in the travel and tourism industry are some of the best-converting these days, but the trick to it is making the logical connections that arise around your own experience of the trip as that naturally translates into what someone seeking information would want to do as part of the planning of their trip.
Organise Packaged Group Tours
Okay, so this approach to earning money from the trips you take is not an outright way of actually EARNING the money, but rather a way of not paying for a specific activity that forms part of a trip. You can do it for an entire trip as well, but that takes a lot more planning in conjunction with relying on the other parties who would be involved to come through.
So how this works is you identify packaged group tours to plan, which become a lot cheaper than if each individual who wanted to go on the excursion paid for it individually. You rope in people to fill up the spots and get them to pay upfront and the more people you can get to go on the trip the less it will cost “per head,” except you don’t pay because you’re the “organiser.” Many of the fellow travellers in your network won’t mind this one bit if you’ve established yourself as the travel authority within the group, but it works just as well with fellow travellers who are complete strangers, perhaps whom you met while on your travels elsewhere.

My name is Sadio and welcome to Bare-foot my personal travel blog